Saturday, 13 April 2013

Man, then and now

            (sentences shifted to the right  show the attitude of the present day man)
 In the  OLDEN  times man  stood on his own feet.
                     Now a days, man depends on others; in fact he prefers to boss over others.
Community feasts were common; an individual's problem was solved by the entire community.
                     Feasts are unheard of; individual is left to fend for himself.
 He never coveted others property.
                     He has become highly  avaricious. 
 He loved every one and was helpful to others.
                     He has no hesitation in living on others.
 He kept his doors open for guests and those who needed help.
                     He is highly self centered, discontented and jealous.
 He loved animals and birds.
                     He is overwhelmed with mental worries, diseases; has no time for others.
 He believed in hard work and shared facilities with others in the community. 
                     He has become mentally and physically too weak to care for others.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

The real meaning of life

The three teenagers parked their limousine in front of the cafeteria at the foot of the hills. While admiring the scenic beauty around, they noticed an old person going up the hill carrying a huge log of wood  with a lot of ease.  The three were stunned by the sight. They entered the cafeteria commenting that the old man must be making a big fortune. After a hearty meal they came out and occupied the seats in the portico. They were surprised to see the same man coming down with a small package in hand. They called him and engaged him in a talk. The man was carrying wood to the temple on top of the hill  for a religious function and the authorities had given him a packet containing food for his family. His son and himself had to work to feed the family. As the son was sick, he was doing the work alone. The grand child would be awaiting the food and the man had to hurry back.

The three youngsters were drawn to tears. Born in rich families they were whiling away their time. They had spent around Rs.1500 for their little eats and drinks, whereas, at this ripe age the old man had to toil for a simple meal. You call it fate and go your way. Is this the right attitude?

The leader of the group pulled out a visiting card, gave it to the man and said:" Sir, we are from the next town. You have shown us the right path. My father has an industry near this place. Kindly go to this address. Your son and your good self will be employed there. No doubt, under your care your grand son will make it big. Please remember us and we will assist you in all ways.

He pulled out a thousand rupee note and thrust it into the man's hand. When the latter refused, the youngster replied," sir ,this is for teaching me the real meaning and value of life, which I have not learned from any university all these years".       

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

What a compensation?

Nature always compensates for any possible defect in the health of the people.

Thomas Alva Edison, Stephen Hawking, John Warcur Cornforth, Helen Keller... are some of the names that come to memory of persons who had some form of disability, but who were the torch bearers to the Society.

It is a big paradox that many persons on the earth, despite perfect health and comfortable life, are a big burden to the Society.   

Bickering at higher levels

One normally tends to think that bickering, sneaking and misunderstanding are the birthright of the lower mortals. No,it happens in the higher echelons too. Thomas Alva Edison and Nikole Tesla (each working in the field of electricity), towards the  eve of their career, were having bitter fights. They were not game enough for a joint Nobel award. Personal egos surfaced to establish their superiority and a lot of dirty linen was washed in public. All this could have been circumvented if each had respected the others knowledge and age and come down the ivory tower.  Giulio Natta and Karl Ziegler, both engaged in the field of polymers, had a similar experience. Each had made monumental contributions. A bit of misunderstanding arose between the two, but their story had a different end. They met, exchanged pleasantries and graciously received the coveted (joint) Nobel prize.

Unpleasant instances like this are not very uncommon. Wisdom and humility will make a very nice blend.      

Monday, 8 April 2013

when a thermometer broke,Indian industries lost heavily

For want of a nail a war was lost;so goes the tale. There are several real life stories to amplify this statement.Shall we apply this to a vast country like India?

India is very famous for natural lndigo production in the world and was earning a huge foreign exchange. Other countries were searching for an alternative.The German company BASF was the leader in synthetic dyes. A german scientist (Carl Hewmann,if I am right) was frantically working on coal tar for quite sometime but he was un successful. He was trying several additional chemicals but no expected/desired changes occurred. Dejected, he flung the thermo meter which landed in the reaction mixture. Ahoy! in a short time he saw the indigo blue bubbling up in the reactor vessel. The mercury from the broken thermometer had catalysed the reacion. Snthetic indigo was born and Indian industry had to draw shutters unable to compete with the cheap synthetic counterpart.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Piece of glass


Joe Dillinger and his boys sat around the table,celebrating the rich haul of highly priced diamonds they had lifted from the Fremlins. Joe was holding the diamonds in his hand and caressing them.The table was stacked with scotch bottles and tall glasses loaded with ice.There was also a new brief case.

Suddenly the door opened with a bang. Guz, with his mean looking boys rushed in, their wuzzies ready to spray. "Hey Joe, pass all the stones or you will be plastered to the wall" shouted Guz. Joe stood up and answered without losing calm. " cool down Guz, all that we got was this leather case with bills.We were trying to locate the diamonds when we heard the squad car. The feds were closing in and we escaped through the fire escape. Thank our stars we made it in time". Guz was burning with anger. " So you messed up my plan.  I am taking 70% of the spoils as a warning". "No problem Guz, how about some drinks? said Joe". Refusing the offer, Guz x-rayed every thing in the room and having satisfied, himself, vanished with his lackeys.

Every one in the room heaved a sigh of relief. The boys turned to Joe and asked, " Hi boss, how did you manage to hide the stones?" Very cool and collected, Joe answered, " Find out for yourselves. They are just before your eyes".

Yes, where did the stones go? One of the glasses on the table hid the diamonds by masking them with crushed ice and whiskey. Joe had cleverly pulled a Houdini.  


Saturday, 23 March 2013

How to earn millions the right way

It was pushing 7 in the evening when Martin entered the drug store. After deliberattions with the pharmacist he got a vial labelled  'poison',  threw away the bill and started home. The events of the last 2 months started unfolding.

Martin, a handsome and young doctor was working in the Fleming hospital, where Cynthia was a patient; she was a billionaire's daughter; several industries, farm houses and estates became hers after her fathers's demise. According to the will,  the property would go to Cynthia, then to her husband and children (should something befall her). The care and attention that Martin bestowed on Cynthia in the hospital culminated in their simple wedding. Martin earned himself a billionaire wife, will he become one? his friends began to guess. A few days back, the chief surgeon told Martin that Cynthia could be taken home. He should keep her happy and contented. He warned that any disturbance or un necessary nuisance would aggravate her condition.

 As he reached their sprawling  mansion, Martin tiptoed to Cynthia's room. Opening the door by a few millimetres, he saw her fast asleep, thanks to the heavy drugs and to her voracious reading habit. The book rack, a little away from her bed, contained some of the finest collections which Martin had presented. This must be the right time to use the poison, Martin told himself.

Time was ticking away. Silently he went near the bed. Took  the bottle out. Then sprayed the wasp's nest under the book rack with the poison, destroying  the insects that were a menace. His mind became relaxed. Cynthia could sleep peacefully.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

A tall story

Detective inspector Cray, in his duty uniform, was waiting at Queenstown bus station on a special mission; to scout around for drug traffickers between Queenstown and Crossly, a distance of 12km. Crossly was the destination for such offenders.His keen eyes spotted an old lady carrying a child in one hand and pulling a wheeler in the other. She was wiping the sweat often. The inclement weather must be telling on her age.

The bus arrivedand the lady was rushing towards it. Cray crossed over and took the child and the whheeler from her. They were seated side by side. Thanking Cray for his courtesy, she struck up a conversation. Her son and daughter in law were ina far off place and had left the shild in her care. The whheeler contained  the childs belongings and she was carrying the child to her daughter in law's place which was 7km. away. The child was missing his parents and at times he proved to be un manageable.  
Cray comforted her saying that he would take care of the child and the wheeler so that she could take a nap. After 5km of travel they had to change buses at a check point. Cray got down with the lady's belongings. The lady lagged behind him.

The cheking was thorough; some passengers were detained. Both of them resumed their journey after this. When the ladr had to disembark. she profuselt thanked Cray for his kindness. Cray was watching them as the lady as she struggled along and finally disappeared.

The next day newspapers were crying hoarse with the following news. Police at Crosly were alerted with a tip off that an elderly woman was supposed to arrive at Croly bus station from Queenstown, carrying 3 kg of heroin. But she did not show up Crosly. Also how did she escape the check point?

Driving in her latest Mercedes, the old lady was laughing to herself. She had duped a duty officcer by reeling off a story about her non existent son and daughter in law!   

Tell tale heart

Dr.Joshua was a young and famous neuro surgeon with hundreds of brain surgeries to his credit. One day he  was sitting in his study deeply immersed in thoughts. If one needed hundreds of Newtons, Curies and Einsteins in the world,all that is required is to tailor-make such brilliant brains; that is,identify the persons with very high IQs and culture their brain cells in the laboratory. Of course this is not going to be simple. But Dr.Joshua wanted to go ahead with his pet plan.

After sweating it out, the surgeon succeeded. The best brain had been developed surpassing his expectations. As no one dared to take a chance with the new brain, Dr.Joshua himself offered to undergo a brain transplant. It was a big success. The entire world was electrified. No wonder Dr.Joshua was identified to be very brilliant with the highest IQ. Several countries vied with one another to offer him citizenship. He was to be conferred the Nobel Prize in a weeks time.   

Three days passed. The next morning Dr.Joshua was found dead in his bed.The reason was the failure of the heart.

Was it that the best of the brains could not read the failing heart or the heart was beyond intelligence? 

Saturday, 9 March 2013

The height of forgotten chemistry

On his way back from the laboratory, the absent minded  professor Dr.Absmin entered the drug store and asked the sales girl: "Please give me a pack of NSAIDs". The girl being a new hand, was  a  little perplexed and asked, " Sir, I do not get you . Can you please explain". "Ok", said the professor, " I shall explain. I want the esterification product of salicylic acid and acetic anhydride ". The girl threw up her hands and was ready to climb the wall. Exclaiming she could not make out what he wanted. " Sir, could you please at least tell me what is biting you? I only mean to help you". Pressing his head with both the hands he shouted " Miss, I have a splitting head ache". " In that case, will aspirin help you "? asked the girl.

   "oh! Miss", said the professor some what ashamed , " That is exactly the medication  I wanted. I forgot that little name which is always my problem".

Monday, 18 February 2013

Who is the fairest of them all ?

Short story for kids!
Young Nellie was starting to school. Her bag had been packed. The following conversation went on: The brand new mobile phone and the iPad claimed top places in helping Nellie with social contacts. Her books did not lag behind these gadgets. After all, did they not put Nellie on top of her class? Her shining bicycle transported her to school. None can disclaim the role of her pen and spectacles in her studies. There was a heated argument among them,vying for places.

During this commotion, her tiny shoes which were lying in a corner, were praying to god. Lord! Let us carry little Nellie through her daily routine, be it in  class, play field, sports ground or her friends` houses. She must be safe, comfortable and free from any injury. Help us take good care of her. Let us take any beating. Thank you Lord!

The fighting among others was still going on. Who is the fairest?

Dr.M.R.V.krishnan -

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Part Payment

Dr. Jean had his morning stroll in his garden. His eyes landed on a curious looking plant behind a bush. He saw a few pods at the top and plucked one. As he opened it,his eyes widened. Inside was a hundred dollar bill neatly rolled. Yes,a dollar growing plant! The other pods too yielded the same result. His joy knew no bounds. 

Being a genetics man of renown, he got an idea and set to work.He travelled to his far off farmland, selected one of the thousands of a fast growing plants, transferred the genes from the original plant into the latter carefully. He then destroyed the original plant to avoid nosy parkers. The result might show in six months. A few weeks later. pods appeared in the new plants also. Yes! Dr. Jean would become a billionaire overnight! Maybe his family could join the space club.
Six months rolled by.That night he could not sleep; next morning he would check on the new pods. In the farmland, thousands of pods were waiting. He carefully opened a large one. His heart skipped beat. He could see only the reverse side of the hundred dollar bill. The obverse was totally blank. A number of other pods yielded the same result. Poor Dr. Jean. Where was the mistake - in transcription or translation? Alas, the original plant was not there to check.
Dr.M.R.V.Krishnan -