Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Bickering at higher levels

One normally tends to think that bickering, sneaking and misunderstanding are the birthright of the lower mortals. No,it happens in the higher echelons too. Thomas Alva Edison and Nikole Tesla (each working in the field of electricity), towards the  eve of their career, were having bitter fights. They were not game enough for a joint Nobel award. Personal egos surfaced to establish their superiority and a lot of dirty linen was washed in public. All this could have been circumvented if each had respected the others knowledge and age and come down the ivory tower.  Giulio Natta and Karl Ziegler, both engaged in the field of polymers, had a similar experience. Each had made monumental contributions. A bit of misunderstanding arose between the two, but their story had a different end. They met, exchanged pleasantries and graciously received the coveted (joint) Nobel prize.

Unpleasant instances like this are not very uncommon. Wisdom and humility will make a very nice blend.      

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